Friday, May 12, 2006

oh doctor!
an apple a day keeps the doctor away
if the doctor is cute,
throw the apple away trust my sister
so anyway,
in case anyone's interested,
like anyone outta the few precious people who actually do read my blog,
i've set up another blog
purely for poems.
i realized i can be blogging,
and suddenly the words take a different form and suddenly become a poem
i'll take out the word suddenly
i usually don't think much of it til like a couple of years later
and i look back and see and think,
this is pretty damn deep for a 13year old kid
the blog is under poetic poetry in my links(:
so go if you're interested
babbling here
alastair's helping his daddy out with choir retreat
which makes me an extremely free,
free girl this whole weekend
i'm spending buu quality time with my darling vicky today.
can't wait
possible auditions on either saturday or sunday
mummy's day celebration a day in advance tomorrow(:
okay im going off to bathe
swim through your veins like a fish in the sea
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:55 PM