Friday, May 05, 2006

because i cannot believe
how time flies
i cannot believe
how soon until
you know,
i didn't even get to say goodbye
she left today,
that night of her party,
when she was all upset
i thought if she moved,
maybe it meant she'd move end of this year
i didn't think it'd all be so sudden
so so sudden
i havn't really talked to her much since the party
i remember being so drunk,
she helped carry me back to the chalet.
alastair wanting to pimp
i remember we promised
we promised we'd go clubbing that next week!
we never did of course
you forget little promises like that
she had new testimonials,
i saw
i dropped her one myself
i said she ought to call me when her exams were over
we were supposed to go clubbing together
yea i noticed all her testimonials were sad
but i thought it was cos they just heard the news of her moving to the states,
if her mom meant it for real this time
i went to her blog
and saw all her confusion
and then her tagboard
a friend said she was missing her,
though it was only two hours
i was saying to myself
this can't be
it can't bloody fucking be
i called her cell
it said the line no longer was available
i couldn't believe it,
i felt this surge inside me
and i didn't want it to be true
i called leslie's cell
"please let her laugh at me and say michelle's not going nowhere,
please please please"
zoe picked up
and i stammered
all i said was
did michelle really go?"
"yea, yea she did"
and i couldn't believe it,
i really really couldn't
i met her last year,
i still remember, in a club,
i remember how she was there for me
she was here one minute,
and gone the next
i didn't get to say goodbye
but you know what the worst part was?
it was that she left today,
this afternoon
i missed her by a few hours
and i was still stupidly writing her a testimonial saying she should call me to go clubbing
suddenly it feels like everything's gone
i only knew her last year!
we were supposed to go get drunk together more often!
we were supposed to
oh we were supposed to
i miss michelle so much already
and i think i got snappy with alastair
i'm sorry my darling
you know,
you never think it like that
it's always a
"tomorrow i'll give her a call"
but tomorrow never comes
and suddenly,
i'm crying like a baby
realizing what a good friend she was to me even though we weren't that close
i miss michelle,
i really really do
so what if there's emails and friendster
so what?
so what if i'll be in the same country as her and possibly within driving distance?
so what?
i didn't get to give her a last hug
and say goodbye
the last time i saw her,
the last time i hugged her and said goodbye,
i never thought it would be the last time i'd hug her and say goodbye
i never thought
but we never do,
do we?
i miss you michelle
- xoxo
charis loves you
6:50 PM