Friday, May 05, 2006

picture taken by yours truly(:
how could i have forgotten to mention this:
i did well for chinese
i didn't pass
but give me an extra half an hour or so
(yea right. like that'll ever happen)
and i might just've passed
huge improvement for me
bio today was honestly better than i expected
i didn't really study so i figured i'd probably flunk like crap
but the thing is the mcq turned out wayy easier than chem
i aimed to get full ten marks for that
especially because the later part of the paper really sucked
i guessed(correctly, mind you)
that constituent A and B
was water and fats respectively
but the next questions then asked what the functions of these constituents were
of course,
well duh,
i didn't know
so i said that water hydrates us
and fats
fats fats fats
hold on please, while i laugh to myself for a bit
i put
"fats keep us warm"
which TECHNICALLY is correct
but i didn't know that
and i just kept thinking my answer made us humans sound like seals
you know,
seals who have blubber to insulate them and keep them warm
so underneath my answer,
i wrote in brackets
"sounds like a seal and it's blubber"
dory asked later if ms sem said anything about it
no, she didn't actually.
i think she was too upset that i did so badly
well, for me it's an improvement
of course i could've gotten more if i actually studied
but you know,
the end of the test week so
slacking off a bit already
didn't study as much as i would've like to
but it's good i studied the little bit i did
or i would't have gotten any marks whatsoever
ms sem said this definitely wasn't my best
and i ought to do a lot better
so yes,
i will TRY HARDER(:
ms sem is really inspiring
she always has such high hopes in all her students
the science head actually said that the paper was too hard
but ms sem thought nothing of it
"why would it be hard? i've taught you all i have to so it'll be fine if you study what i tell you to"
was her response
she said it wasn't too good cos obviously the science head didn't think we were all that capable
so yea well,
that's ms sem for you(:
math's gonna pull my whole average down next week by the way
not like the average isn't already low enough
but there you go
that's what you get if you miss lotsa school
and the teacher makes you hate the subject more
i won't make excuses for myself
watched two movies/shows whatever you call it,
in school today
futurama with ms ang
this chinese show with ms sem
it's a good show
it's at the good part right now
as always,
the bell had to go and ring itself
auntie Regina's over right now
her strong accent reminds me of auntie Esther
which makes me really really miss UK
i wanna go hoooome:(
and i wanna go to my other hooome,
which would be the US
and and aaaand
like i said in the quiz down below,
i wanna be on my damned honeymoon in Hawaii!
not that hawaii's a confirmed place but
yea well
- xoxo
charis loves you
5:55 PM