Tuesday, April 04, 2006
friday's party was veryvery fun
and so was michelle and hannah's party the following night.
okay i got pretty drunk and puked for the first time ever
i had fun
even though i lost a t shirt and my favourite hairclip which holds my hair in place the best.
today was really really fun too
which, by the way,
is the reason i'm staying up so late.
to finish the damned presentation i'll be doing in a few hours time
actually i can't say i stayed up.
though i really wish i did,
then i'd be able to go to sleep
instead, i decided to do my math first
i didn't get past refreshing my memory on the first two questions outta five
then i "rested my eyes" for like what, 2 or was it 3 hours? my goodness.
badbad charis
i've done my ic!
i don't look that fab in it
and im pretty fucking pissed with the anoying people who kept telling me my hair wasn't allowed could i please look neater.
i miss alastoooooore:(
i really have to get back to work.
i have to leave for school in 45 mins!
- xoxo
charis loves you
5:10 AM