Wednesday, April 12, 2006
i fear 3 out of 66 things! [ ] the dark
[ ] staying single
[ ] getting married
[ ] being a parent
[ ] giving birth
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces
[ ] heights
[ ] cats
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] spiders and/or other insects
[ ] driving or being in cars
[ ] flying
[ ] being put to sleep (anesthesia)
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[ ] water
[ ] the ocean
[ ] pools
[ ] failure
[ ] success
[ ] germs
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] mice/rats
[ ] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[ ] cemeteries
[ ] clowns
[ ] large crowds
[ ] demons or evil
[ ] crossing bridges
[ ] death
[ ] Hell
[ ] Heaven
[ ] being robbed
[ ] being sexually assulted
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibility
[ ] doctors, including dentists
[ ] tornadoes
[ ] hurricanes
[ ] being punished
[ ] diseases, including cancer and STD's
[ ] snakes
[x] sharks
[ ] dinosaurs
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] poverty
[ ] ghosts
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains or railroads
[x] fear
[ ] being alone
[x] losing my friends
[ ] being blind to things
[ ] being deaf
[ ] growing up
[ ] being murdered in my sleep
out of point
so so sooo much has happened
that i forgot
lets see
i'm ill today
but i'll be in school tomorrow
akira's Kavadi thing was bloody cool
it looked damn painful,
but it was still cool to watch it
especially up close
and someone i know too!
he had to fast and everything before as well as after so,
i lift my cap to him
not that i wear a cap but that's besides the point
so anyway,
after school yesterday,
went over to Stacy's
i think her animals have this thing against certain smells
her very cute little puppy peed on me and the couch
after which,
val bit and scratched me
because she was scared and all and didn't really like the new arrival
i realize stacy's got lotsa pets
jo and bunnykins came over for dinner last night
last night's dinner was nice(:
im busybusybusy
i have a math test tomorrow
i have to an english practice
i have a chem prac next monday
i am ill and blur
i have to redo bird's birthday present
AND i have to take it to the shop and get it done ASAP
i am ill and blur
and i have to get the final thing i need to complete bird's birthday present
and i am ill and blur
and i realized for some odd reason i keep spelling birthday as
i think i'm having a fever
i waaant my mummyyyyy
today was nice(:
it was very nice
but i still feel ill
i've got stretch marks that itch
i need to lose weight
i'm going to try not to say a word for 24 hours sometime soon
well because when you shut up,
you hear a lot more
there's a bitch or two i have to deal with everyday
but then
that's life isn't it?
i've got essential oils for my aromatherapy smell in my very nice smelling room
they smell very nice
i love i love i love
i'm sick
okay nevermind
i miss alastoooooore
he's on a daaaateee
without meeeee
i blame my whiny-ness on me being sick
i love you,
i love you more than you can ever imagine
and i always will
i do stuff sometimes,
all in the name of venting or destressing,
stuff that might hurt you
and make you think that you don't matter at all to me
stuff that might make you feel this relationship doesn't mean anything
but it's not true,
really it's not.
if you'll be happier
but still,
i'll keep on loving you
- xoxo
charis loves you
6:20 PM