Thursday, February 23, 2006
i don't understand you
don't understand him
i don't understand it,
don't understand
this what is
this anyway?
anyone care to explain?
i'm trying to figure it out myself
and the strange uneasiness i get just thinking about
it all.
what is
it anyway?
does it refer to anything in particular?
i don't know.
i cannot know,
just like i can never fully understand you because as you pointed out,
no one understands you.
and maybe,
just maybe,
i don't want to know anymore,
i don't want to understand.
i don't want to figure it out.
i don't want and
i don't wanna need to understand you
or him
this or
it or anything at all.
it was my feelings though even i couldn't make sense of it at all
you misinterpreted it.
and you know what?
you're off.
you're so off track that it hurts.
alastair honey,
you're way off about what i think or
even feel
and that hurt the most
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:30 PM