Friday, February 24, 2006
today was nice.
it was comfortable
and i got to do all that i wanted to do,
to me,
is the most important thing.
ld was really really fun today.
it was good,
what she taught us.
about improvisation and impromptu stuff
it's good for the girls in ld
especially in singapore where most people suck at impromtu shit
dressed up,
put in so much effort,
wore bloody knee high boots
all for five minutes of hot seat
and being told that i'll have to do that for the next two weeks
lazeee laaaaa
dunch waaaan
left ld earlier to go for an audition
good thing i emailed nadia about timings and asked if i could come at about 6 ish.
as i was leaving mdm whats-her-name asked me to put on my uniform cos i oughn't leave school dressed like that.
i'm not exactly dressed in a bikini you know.
gee whiz
cabbed it to paya lebar.
they were actually like,
"we're wrapping up"
but i said i emailed nadia.
she's really nice,
really bubbly and cheerful.
fills up the room.
in about ten minutes,
we had to fill up some form as well as figure out how we'd say the monolouge thing
so stressfool
rushed it last minute,
then went inside the auditioning room.
my hands were cold.
i think i screwed up the bit about introducing myself and impressing them with two lines.
i think i acted okay.
singing wasn't too bad
never sang like that before.
vicky was really good with her acting
made the guy with us look like a looosah.
i sang two songs(:
yeaa so basically that was good.
what i love about acting is that i become someone else
i'm not charis vera ng anymore
what i love about singing
is that i'm just not even there
i'm just a voice(:
i choose singing over acting! (:
poor darling marisse was late cos she got lost so she missed her chance.
vicky says she's jinxed.
poor baby
in a lucky dip,
she gets back her own present.
then she loses her damned ezlink card and IC
she places a clip on her table for a moment and it disappears within seconds
then she's crossing the road with my humongous paperbag which has lasted me throughout the day and it suddenly decides to break
it's bloody funny being with marisse
grapevine after the auditions
mummy and janice joined us.
my hair smell like i've just gone clubbing.
i wish
i'm in a pretty good mood now.
alastair's down.
poor baby.
and i don't fucking know why so i'm getting irritated
eeee yeeeeer
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:15 PM