Sunday, December 25, 2005
the party was pretty okay(:
opened my christmas pressies on christmas eve.
somehow i knew this christmas was gonna be different.
both good and bad.
so it was different,
way different.
we ate pizza and slacked the first half of the year before heading over to alastair's for Christmas.
it was nice,
i loved it(:
it reminded me of a warm loving,laughing family.
shit i sound like Dara from Clay Marble.
it's so very cliche,
but i loved the warmth, the love, and the laughter
daddy's in Malaysia,
i miss him.
and just as i somehow felt at the beginning of the year,
it didn't rain this christmas for the first time in four years how beautiful is that?
but it's the one year we didn't head to church on christmas day.
christmas love,
christmas love
christmas love
someone to have and to hold.
christmas love,
christmas love
someone i can call my own(:
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:16 PM