Tuesday, November 15, 2005
you watch them fall in love
you watch them fall out of love
you hear them cry
and they don't know how it tears you up inside
you watch them flirt
you hear them laugh
and you wonder if this phase'll last
don't ask me about this please.
my ramblings,
as i watch every single one of my friends.
but you know what?
i love em all(:
every single one of em.
from my bestest friend bird,
my buu binky,
my hubby ner,
the horny little devil of rach,
even dory who i'm not so close to,
the cutest,darlingest ann na.
every single one of em.
i love every single one of em
it's hard to believe,
yet i tell others so proudly.
or maybe it's because it's hard to believe,
that's why i tell others so proudly.
don't always rub off you know?
maybe i'm insane
- xoxo
charis loves you
5:37 PM