Tuesday, November 29, 2005
1.Color of most clothes you own?
- dark i think
2.Number of pillows you sleep with?
- two
3.What place are you in right now?
- living room
4.What were you doing 12AM last night?
- wandering around the beach(:
5.How old will u b in 10 years?
- 24
6.What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years?
- i ought to be on my honeymoon
7.Do u hav braces?
- nope,but i really wish i did.seriously
8. R you paranoid?
- sometimes,but not to the extent where i don't touch doorknobs for fear they'll crumble and a shard of metal will get stuck in my palm
9.Describe your wallet?
- bulky and full of rubbish
10. your alarm clock?
- it's digital
11.Your hair?
- long, brown and currently dyed
12.Tooth brush?
- Sanden Brooke, green
13.What color r your eyes?
- brown
14.First enemy?
- she was an ivited someone to my church an flirting with the guy i held hands with in sunday school.
we were k2
she wore skimpy spag strap tops.
actually,she still does and she's in my school
15.First play/musical/performance?
- nursery.
i think i was an angel.i know i was in white
16.Last movie seen in cinema?
- Just like Heaven
17.Last person you yelled at?
- my baby sister
18.Last crush?
- alastair if i'm not wrong. the last person wasn't a crush.
actually, alastair wasn't a crush, i was just interested in him and found him cute.
oh nevermind
19.Last shoes worn?
- comfy home slippers
20.Last ice cream eaten?
- it was some time ago
21.Last thing written by hand?
- journal(:
22.Last time you want to die?
- that was a long time ago too
23. When was the last time went out @ night?-
- last night(:
24. What were u doing last night?
- this thing reads my mind
erm, i was having fun in good company.
25. Why do you like yourself?
- because i'm different and because i don't give a shit about most things except things i give a shit about
26. What r your plans for tomorrow?
- looking after widdle kiddies at the museum and west coast park
27.When was the last time you got angry?
- sunday night
28. What was the last song you heard?
- Before the next teardrop falls
29. When was the last time you entered a club?
- last thursday(:
Chinablack baby, Chinablack
30. what is it about the opposite $ex(physically)?
- they've got more hair than us girls,
they don't always bathe or brush teeth, they have way less body fat than us girls.
yet they're irrissistibly hot(:
or perhaps just one in particular
31. what are three things that you cannot live
- him,well he's not a thing really.
erm, my voice, i need to talk and erm my car(:
or my future car.
32.current music that's playing?
- the TV's on.
33.can you list three things that are takes up your time
- having nothing to do, having fun. yeaa having fun takes up lots of time and erm,
staring at my reflection for unwanted,unsightly things
34. What do u want 2 do now?
- bathe,wash off my face mask, go out and party.
or maybe i'll replace the last one with sleep.
sleep is good
35. what's the colour of ur room?
- base would be white. everything else is a clash and combination
36. what's the first thing you ate this morning?
- egg-sandwhich from yours truly
37.what shampoo do you use?
- Sanden Brooke. mummy's MLM thing
38. how many people do you have on frenster?
- over 200?
39. what's that one song you never get over?
- Ronan Keating's When You Say Nothing At All
40.fave day of the week? why?
- Thursday,Ladies' Night(:
41. did you do anything stupid in the past 24
- nope i didn't
42. did anything useful in d past hour?
- put on a face mask
43.what's your MSN/Yahoo! id right now?
- i'm finding it hard to answer this question,
someone tell me why?
44. if you could change your name,what would it
- how about not changing my name?
karys is nice. or maybe i'd have it as Jemimah
45. play any musical instruments?
- nope.not at all.yes,im that dumb,that pathetic
46.favorite letter/s of the alphabet?
- X
47.are you absolutely obvious to your crush?
- i think he's finally noticed me, yeaa.
well,i'm always complaining about his lack of tethstamoneeals to me.that'll get his attention right?
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:11 PM