Friday, November 18, 2005
so i was bored,
left alone at home.
i took this self-esteem test online.
thos kind that goes
"are you happy all the time?
if your answer is yes,
then you're happy all the time!"
they said my esteem's pretty good,
yeaa whatever.
but it also, at the same time,
gave the statistics of how many people took the quiz and how many got the same answer as me.
442 people out of 1586 got the same answer as me.
and i mean,
my result was pretty good yeaa?
so what happened to the rest of the people?
so i guess it's safe to assume that there are actually quite a few people who dont have much of an esteem.
but then,
why is that so?
ah forget it
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:52 AM