Monday, November 14, 2005
yesterday was fun(:
both morning and night.
huge party last night:
vineyard style.
it saddened me,
that friends,good friends at that,
and close friends of my mother,
didn't turn up on our church's third anniversary,
neither did they turn up for the installation of our pastor,
and they didnt even come for the huge goodbye party for the Gurneas.
the couple from which they,as well as everyone of us have learnt so much from.
isn't it strange how we forget,
so easily,
the people who have helped us so much in our lives or have helped us get where we are?
they left our old church to plant another and they brought with them,
we went to Vineyard Singapore.
and from there,
eager to go church plant,
they branched out,
left and did exactly that.
i think if they stayed long enough,
it'd be him being installed as the pastor.
my family and i stayed at Vineyard Singapore though,
it wasn't anything bad.
i don't know how to put it.
but i really really thought that they'd at least be there,
if not for the installation,
at least for the anniversary,
at least for the Gurnea's goodbye party as well as Andrew's celebration.
but they didn't
watched this gorgeous show the other day called
She's Too Young
beautiful show about how a fourteen year old,
straight A student got messed up cos some ass with Syphillis was sticking everyone.
it left a sobering thought i must admit,
you never think it'll happen to you.
and it does.
there was just one scene in the show which got me thinking,
and oddly,
it had nothing to do with the sex bit.
the mother of the main character was getting worried about her dating a guy two years her senior,
and this girl,
the main character is a straight A student,
and she plays the cello 90 hours a week.
she's a good girl,she doesn't party and is really really sweet
and all she said was:
"mom. have i ever given you a reason to worry even once?"
and i nodded at the television in utmost agreement.
then i thought,
her mother's giving her freedom only at fourteen,
and she's still learning to let go of her baby,
and she's finding it so very hard.
but then again,
she has no reason not to trust her daughter because she's a straight A studet and everything.
and then i looked at myself,
i'm not a straght A student for sure,
and i've definitely broken my mother's trust many many times,
yet she still trusts me so very much.
and i came to a horrible realization,
if my mother ever starts freaking out about me or something,
i can't turn it round and ask rehetorically if i have ever been a cause for concern.
because i know i have.
i always have been.
if it's not my grades it's partying.
so if my mummy reads this,
next point to blog about.
local productions suck.
was talking about it with mummy the other day.
you know,
they blow stupid little things up like it's a life or death situation.
their characters are stero-typed and one-dimensional with absolutely no depth in them whatsoever,
as is the storyline.
what storyline?
the acting is atrocious.
i'm not a bril actor or actress,
but at least i don't act or prance around onscreen making people shudder with disgust.
they can't act romantic scenes or love scenes.
and do not talk about sex scenes.
right now my sister's behind me watching Moulmein High
"eee you like choo meng?"
"i nid a makeober.den he wew know de rew yew"
absolutely disgusting.
- xoxo
charis loves you
4:44 PM