Sunday, October 16, 2005
i was reading bird's blog
and decided to go to
do not ask me why
i think it was cos bird said there were pictures of someone ner and vick knew.
who i don't know
so since that website is already familiar to my ear although i have never been there before,
i went
talk about amatuer porn
go under school uniforms,
and joy of joy,note the sarcasm please,
i saw myself
i'm like
"this picture looks familiar"
so i open the very familiar picture
and look to the very familiar place where i know i should be standing in my own copy of the picture
and i see a very familiar face
which looks a hell lot like my own.
i think this website is dumb
my twinnie's there too i think,
cheerleading uniform
and i swear i saw people i knew though they might not really like me mentioning names.
not that anyone would come here anyway.
dumb website
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:44 AM