Friday, August 05, 2005
dear Lord,
i don't do this very often.
but thank You.
i realized how very blessed i am
to have a family,
a mummy and a daddy
a baby sister,
and someone who loves me very much.
Dear Lord,
thank You for being there even when my earthly dad wasn't
thank You for blessing me with so much more than i could ever ask for.
thank You for loving me.
thank You for pulling me through depression,
for being there when i needed someone.
thank You for giving me opportunities to do the few things i love doing so very much.
thank You Father,
for noticing.i thought today was horrid.
absolutely horrid.
now before you start saying my sarcasm above in prayer was uncalled for,
shut the hell up cos ain't no one listening:)
you know you love meanyway,
so i'm still sick today,
my temperature bouncing around like words on paper.
on top of that,
mummy's gonna receive shit from the vice principal.
i'm gonna get zero for all the tests i havn't taken if they're not all completed by next week,
and i'll be retained.
quite willingly i might add.
i've got homework,
im not too keen on asking what else i've missed out on yet.
oh yes,
my planned activities for the weekend are more or less suspended especially going for FOP.
sidetrack: can you imagine?
*jump jump jump* "oh hi ms chan" *jumps all the way back*
so not looking forward to that.
been looking forward to seeing you honestly speaking,
there isn't a time when i don't.
but you always make my day
and today definitely needed making.
but unfortunately i couldn't see you.
on top of that there's stuff going on with feeble,
strongly(in my opinion at least) unadvised ressurection of something that's not really working out.
which kinda irks me.
then there's the realization that for once,
small number ain't gonna affect nothing.
which i don't know what to think of really.
so anyway,
the phone conversation's cheered me up considerably.
im online and checking out about euthanasia and stuff.
by the way, euthanasia should not be legalized!
sorry about the sidetrack.
mummy's home with a new telephone!
sorry about the second sidetrack.
i'm in Odessey of the Mind.
bril bril.
i really really wanted to be in it.
and i am!
me liike.
loving it.
so that's with the prayer of thanks:)
it's a cordless phone!
i love i love i love!
ok so,
thank You Daddy above for the new telephone:)
sorry for another sidetrack.
actually that's pretty much it.
of course,
besides the fact that there's some stuff i'm struggling with.
stuff i'm not sure i understand.
pushing that aside for a moment,
i have work.
don't compare us,
we're different.
don't think what happened before is gonna happen again.
if you're not sure,
what to do or what to say
promise you won't make me choose.
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:07 PM