Thursday, July 07, 2005
i read it,
what was supposed to have died but lived on.
something which had supposedly ceased to exist but carried on existing.
it had a purpose,
making a differance to my thinking.
if things happen,
it's meant to happen and is all part of God's plan.
because if He's allowed it to happen,
He's going to turn even the worstest possible scenario round and make it special.
i believe we're all meant to be here on this earth
and one of the worse things you could possibly say to your Creator above is,
" you made one helluva mistake"
"i aint meant to be here"
cos He doesn't make mistakes.
wonder if things would have turned out differently if i wasn't around.
don't we all,
at some point?
occassionally feel that the world's messed up because of us
and how much better it'd be if we didn't exist.
that kind of thinking is usually caused by this horrible,uninvited guest inside us,
he wants to make us feel worthless.
he wants us to hate ourselves so it'd be hard for us to love other people too.
then everyone would be hating everyone else and we'd all have fallen into his stupid little trap.
am i making sense here?
don't think i am to many.
sam once said,
i say a lot,
but a lot does not convey.i know how that feels now.
it hurts so very very much when you love someone,
yet for some strange absurd reason,
they don't feel the same way about themselves.
i think it hurts Him very much too,
when we question our existence,
hurts our parents too,
im positively sure.
im tired of blogging pointlessly .
- xoxo
charis loves you
1:52 PM