Friday, July 22, 2005
distance distance distanceyou know the common misconception that girls are such gossip mongers?
the irony!
what utter bullshit.
i can safely say,honestly and without a doubt, that guys gossip more than girls.
aand,they gossip anytime anyplace as well!
during rugby,
"Hut 1!Hut 2!" is that even what they say?haha
"hey! *pant pant* did you hear *deep breath* about Mrs so and so's *huff huff,pant pant* love affair?!"
during swimming,
"race you to the other end!by the way, *dives into water* did you hear *under water* about...."
in the canteen,
-chair dragging,over the food fights.
during class,
"yes sir, i'm sorry about the homework. i assure you i will hand it in to you first thing tomorrow morning sir. thank you for you tolerance sir,my greatest apologies sir. *sits down* Eh! you got hear about the that one the teacher not?liddat in public kana police catch wor!"
ok enough about gossipping guys,there's bitchy guys too .
i so do not want to talk about it please .
ever read a love story?
ever got moved to tears?
ever wanted to just read it over and over again and not stop?
read and re-read the lines for hidden information,
for some small tiny detail that you might have missed the other million times you read it.
i have .
and i read it today,
not from the beginning,but from the beginning of the end.
and then the end.
over and over,i read through it.
held,captivated by the words, the feelings,the pent up emotions inside.
i cannot really describe how i felt then,or how i feel now, the author of this love story being someone i'm so very close to now.
i wondered how and what he felt as he typed out the words,
i imagined him sitting there,in front of the computer,
i could almost see and feel,almost taste the tears.
almost feel the frustration.
i don't know what made me read it,maybe it was the closest i could get to him at that point in time.
but like a love story, a romance novel you cannot put down.
i could not bear to stop reading what i had started,
the story that, i realized, i in a way,came into in the sequel.
no,not only could i not stop reading,i felt compelled to read it over and over and over again.scrutinizing every singe phrase,each sentence. peering closely at it then moving back to read from afar.
no,i couldn't stop reading it. i couldn't bear to. not at all.
- xoxo
charis loves you
10:45 PM