Friday, June 24, 2005
i had fun on wednesday=]
it wasn't brilliant but it was fun .
how can someone just suddenly stop loving another?
someone you're such good friends with that even now,
after all that's happened you still go to if and when you need help,
if you need a listening ear.
you cannot deny that at one point you two loved each other so very much .
so much that you agreed to spend the rest of your lives together.
you vowed that no matter what, ain't nothin gonna come between you two,
you're gonna spend forever together.
so how can all those promises,
all that love, just disappear?
i don't think it did,because a love that much,that strong couldn't have simply disappeared.
i think that you two did,still do and always will love each other .
if the other should die,i know you'd cry til there ain't nothin left of you.
and i think,
i know,
that if that other woman weren't around, if you weren't married,
you two would still hit it off .
if you decided to,even if you've wandered off in different directions for the past ten years,
you two could still walk back .
or from the point you're at now,
start walking towards each other.
it's possible, don't you see?
you don't think it is because you mentally decided you didn't love this woman anymore,is that right?
but how?
you think my feelings are one-sided .
they're not,really .
you think i'm too young to understand,
but i aint the same eight year old who had to push you away from the front door when you wanted to force your way back in.
you think i've been brainwashed or that i don't have the full story,
i don't have the full story but i get the gist of it.
there wasn't just some other woman,
there were three.
either ways,
you decided to leave,
and you did .
fuck divorce. to hell with itso much more i have to say but i'm stopping here .
can't wait for tonight=]
- xoxo
charis loves you
12:30 AM