Saturday, June 04, 2005
LAYER ONE: What is your..?
-- Name: charis vera ng mei yi
-- Birth date: march 17th 1991
-- Birthplace: UK, Farnbrough, Kent
-- Current Location: my living room
-- Eye Color: brown
-- Hair Color: dark brown
-- Height: too short for my liking
-- Right handed or Left handed: right
-- Heritage: Chinese
-- Weakness: for guys? their eyes and hands
-- Biggest fears: things with more than six legs
-- Your perfect pizza: Hawaiian and spicy chicken
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: at this point in time? Finish this stupid thing .
-- Most overused phrase(s): that's so funny i forgot to laugh
-- Thoughts first waking up: is Singapore the only country who gets kids to go to school at unearthly hours?
-- Best physical feature: my eyes i guess:]
-- Usual bedtime: varies from 11pm-3am
-- Most missed memory: those back in LA, with my family...
LAYER FOUR: Preferences..?
-- Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger king
-- Single or group dates: preferably single
-- Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: lipton
-- Cappuccino or Latte: latte
LAYER FIVE: Do you…?
-- Smoke: I used to, but I kinda made a promise .
-- Sing: mmmmhmmm .it’s good for your throat muscles =]
-- Take a shower every day: yea
-- Do you think you've been in love: mmmhmmmm .and i think I still am .
-- Want to get married: you can say that, i’ve already planned out my wedding
-- Believe in yourself: i guess, in some ways
-- Get motion sickness: if you’re a horrible driver, yes .
-- Think you're a health freak: definitely not.
-- Get along with your parents: i'm real close to my mom
-- Like thunderstorms: I love them .
-- Play an instrument: I can’t play anything to save my life .i like the piano
LAYER SIX: In the past month, you’ve…?
-- Drank alcohol: yeaa, just last night
-- Gone on a date: mmmmhmmm
-- Gone to the mall: not in the last 24 hours,my my
-- Eaten sushi: not in the past month .
-- Been on stage: definitely
-- Been dumped: I don’t think so?
-- Gone skating: nope .aww man, I really want to.
-- Shoplifted: nope
-- Changed who you were to fit in: nope.
-- Age you hope to be married: 24-24? haha
-- Numbers and Names of Children: about 5-7 children .
Zachary Adam
Jemimah Elizabeth
Xander Basil
Describe your Dream Wedding:
it doesn’t take place in a church,
starts at about 3 in the afternoon, the flowergirls hold candles instead of flowers and so do the bridesmaids. The wedding march is the first two bars from the overture of Phantom of the Opera followed by the intro to Vanessa Carlton’s Thousand Miles.
Mummy and I come in on horseback, she gives me away .
The reception is basically the wedding dinner which ends at about 10pm,
Then there’s the after-party where everyone goes back drunk .whee
-- How do you want to die: at home,of old age .
-- In a girl/boy, you would want: to find happiness and friendship,first and foremost
-- Best eye color: light brown
-- Best hair color: dark brown...
-- Hair: spiked?
-- Height: taller than hopefully. It aint that hard to be taller than me.
-- Weight: doesn’t really matter
-- First date location: the beach sounds nice
LAYER TEN: List the number of:
-- Drugs taken illegally: 0
-- People I trust with my life: 4 .God, mummy, Elizabeth and the last person who means so so much to me
-- CDs that I own: never enough .
-- Piercings: two on my left,five on my right and a belly button one .
that’s only 8 right?
-- Tattoos: none. At least not yet.
-- Times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: don’t think it ever has.
-- Scars on my body: too many to count .i shall get em lasered off:]
-- Things in my past that I regret: don’t we all have regrets?
Redundant question .
- xoxo
charis loves you
11:59 AM