Sunday, June 19, 2005
happy father's day to all daddy's out there .
those who didn screw around and leave the family for another that is.
i've been missing my father,
i called him today to wish him a happy father's day.
i ended up in tears though
and it was terribly hard to stop.
he said he hadn't called because he was angry with me when i referred to his new wife as
"your wife"
the last time i texted him.
ohh that,
and also that he wanted what he called "initiative"
so what about my little sister?
why'd she have to suffer cos of me?
i asked why he didnt call her if he was angry with me.
i mean,
it's my fault innit?
why does it have to be taken out on janice too?
she doesn't know shit,
and she still fucking defends my father left right and centre
so why?
and today,
i finally have to admit.
that my father must have loved us at some point in time,
but now
c'mon .
my own daddy don't fucking love me enough to call
so he comes up with stupid candy ass excuses and blames me.
his bloody car mantainance costs more than his two daughters.
my children sure as hell aint gonna get no daddy like that .
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:30 PM