Sunday, June 05, 2005
>Top 5 favourite websites.
>5. like goldminer)
they’re in no particular order .promise:]
>TOP 5 Favourite songs on playlist
>1. DJ Sammy –Heaven,9-11
>2. Leann Rimes- I need you
>3. Mariah Carey- All I want for Christmas is you
>4. Jesse McCartney –Beautiful soul
>5. Darius – Live Twice
>TOP 5 Favourite bands
>1. my band:]yes im bias
>3. carpenters
>4. sclub7
>5. Budak Pantai .is that correct?i only know them as Rockapella
>TOP 5 Favourite singers
>1. Whitney Housten
>2. Michael Buble
>3. christina auguilera
>4. Kelly Clarkson
>5. Celine Dion
>TOP 5 Food
>1. prawns
>2. sushi
>3. curry chicken
>4. sushi
>5. sushi
>TOP 5 Drink
>1. Bailey's Irish Cream
>2. Stella Artois
>3. Wolfiener
>4. Erdinger
>5. Yellow-tail Shiraz
>TOP 5 Snack
>1. Sushi
>2. Lays
>3. Taiwanese Sausage
>4. Goreng Pisang
>5. sushi=)
>TOP 5 Indoor activities
>1. sleeping
>2. talking on the phone//selective people by the way
>3. texting
>4. listening to music and many times screeching along and cracking glass:]
>5.does dancing at parties count?i mean,if the party is held indoors that is.
>TOP 5 Outdoor activities
>1. going out for coffee or tea with friends and chatting:]
>2. Shopping
>3. Squash
>4. Netball
>5. Pubbing:]
>TOP 5 Accessories (that you own)
>1. this sweet bracelet which was given to me
>2. Cell phone
>3. Father's Hand: cactus ring
>4. mood ring with mom luvs u engraved on it:)
>5. frenship band dat both eli n i haf around mah left ankle
>TOP 5 Major expenses
>1. Phone Bill
>2. clothes:)
>3. Make up/nail polish. heh,but my momma alwaes pays being the darling that she is
>4. phone bill
>5. Clothes.who's down for major shopping? Clara darlin? -evil grin-
>TOP 5 Bad personalities of your own
>1. Lazy.
>2. dat a badd habit?-shruggs-
>4. eating too much...sighh
>5. texting too much
>TOP 5 Good personalities of your own
>1. sensitive:)
>2. i'm a sweeeeetie:)
>3. generous.
>4. reasonably reasonable
>5. sociable
>Top 5 most important people
>God ain’t a person right? but God's number 1=)
> baby sister, janice
>3.a certain special someone
>4.elizabeth, darling bestie
> buu vicky
>Top 5 favourite hangout places
>1. Derek’s, some nice nice pub:)
>2. my room
>3. bugis street
>4. wisma:] don’t ask me why though
>Top 5 brands that i like
im not really a brand-conscious kind of person you know?
>1. Bloom
>3. addidas
>4. Forever 21
>5. Charles n Keith
>Top 5 favourite Movies
>1. Sweet November
>2. Swan Princess
>3. SWAT
>4. Chicago
>5. Secret Window
>Top 5 favourite people to chat online with
>5. miles, when I talked to him more often than now. haha
>Top 5 favourite colours
>1. army green
>2. red
>3. grey
>4. black
>5. white
- xoxo
charis loves you
2:51 PM