Wednesday, May 11, 2005
someone once said being single sucks .
a different person said that sometimes you just want a guy in your life even,as i explained, you don't necessarily need one .
i disagree with the first statement and have no comments on the second .
what i do know though,
is that it hurts much much more to be alone .
to sit in a crowd, not be an outcast yet still feel alone and lost .
it pains more than pining for someone or feeling being single sucks, when you sit in your room alone and wonder where everyone else is .
i do my very best not to wallow in self pity .
it's stupid .
but occassionally,
just occassionally,
i like sitting and thinking and inevitably the tears come .
haha .
it's silly really .
and you're gonna stare at this post and go
"wha..?stupid thing this girl "
i swear im just typing out whatever comes into my head now .
im off .
i have a composition to write .
no,i still don't know why i cried or why i'm crying .
im still figuring that out .
- xoxo
charis loves you
9:45 PM